
14 May 2021

In addition to the article about the launch of the Læra Institute mentioned in our previous post, the 2021 edition of UArctic's Shared Voices magazine also features an article by Amanda Graham, a member of the Læra Institute's Steering Committee, reflecting on the origins of UArctic Circumpolar Studies programme.

14 May 2021

UArctic have just published the latest edition of their Shared Voices magazine, and we're delighted that it features an article about the Læra Institute written by four of our Steering Committee members.  The article is entitled 'New directions in Circumpolar Studies: Launching the Læra Institute', and it describes the principles, purpose and ambitions of our work.

6 May 2021

The University of the Arctic is interested in understanding the extent to which UArctic members and other universities and organizations are offering Arctic studies courses and degree programs jointly across two or more institutions. We also want to understand the barriers to and supports needed for developing and offering joint educational programs. And, finally, we want to highlight best practices in collaboratively delivering Arctic studies programs.

Læra Institute for Circumpolar Studies news

6 April 2021

The Office of Undergraduate Studies of the University of the Arctic is pleased to offer again its online courses available to students from UArctic member institutions.

Uarctic Læra Institute for Circumpolar Education news

15 March 2021

On 12th March 2021, the UArctic Læra Institute for Circumpolar Education was pleased to be able to hold our first faculty workshop on the theme of 'Circumpolar Studies Is...', involving sixteen scholars and educators from eleven UArctic member institutions across Canada, Norway, Russia, the UK and the USA.

1 March 2021

Læra Institute Managing Director Anthony Speca had the privilege today of introducing the Læra Institute to representatives of Scottish universities and the Scottish Government, as part of an online Scotland-Arctic Network Series event on 'Scotland's role and contribution in a changing Arctic environment'.

Læra Institute for Circumpolar Studies news

14 January 2021

As the climate changes, the Arctic now looms large in the popular perception as one of the most important regions on the planet.  It attracts attention from scholars, professionals and policymakers as never before.  The scale of change in the Arctic, the size of the challenges involved, and the difficulty of understanding a place of such complexity, urgently requires the education of a new generation of scholars, policymakers, business leaders and informed citizens equipped to respond.

16 December 2020

Læra Institute Managing Director Anthony Speca recently sat down with the UArctic Shared Voices team for an interview about his passion for the Arctic, the work of the newly launch Læra Institute for Circumpolar Education, and the importance of the UArctic network.  Watch the video below, or on UArctic's Vimeo account.

Læra Institute for Circumpolar Studies news

19 October 2020

We are delighted to announce today the launch of the Læra Institute for Circumpolar Education (Læra Institute), a new institute within the international University of the Arctic (UArctic).  Læra Institute lead partners Trent University and the University of Northern British Columbia are privileged to be joined in this initiative by the Arctic State Agrotechnological University in Russia, Nord University in Norway, and Lakehead University and Yukon University in Canada.

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