Læra Institute exemplar courses are ‘off-the-shelf’ Circumpolar Studies courses developed in accordance our Circumpolar Studies Curriculum Development principles, and designed for UArctic member faculty who wish to teach or modify pre-written material. Our exemplar courses will prove especially useful for UArctic member faculty developing Circumpolar Studies programmes for the first time, and who might benefit from the opportunity to build on an existing base.
Our current suite of exemplar courses includes the following:
- Climate change and the Circumpolar world (developed by Dr Tara Stehelin, School of Science, Yukon University)
- Representations of the Circumpolar North in literature, film and popular culture (developed by Dr Drew Lyness, School of Liberal Arts, Yukon University)
In addition to these courses, UArctic member faculty seeking pre-existing Circumpolar Studies courses may wish to explore the UArctic's original Circumpolar Studies core curriculum.