

The Læra Institute was delighted to host our first-ever undergraduate student symposium, 'Being Circumpolar', on three days between 20th and 24th November 2023.  Students from UArctic member universities joined us for this tripartite event — three session, three speakers, three topics and three conversations — following the three UArctic Circumpolar Studies themes: peoples and cultures, lands and environments, and contemporary issues.

Recordings of the three symposium meetings are available below (click on the session titles to play):

Film, culture and language:  A conversation with Liisa Holmberg, film commissioner with the International Sámi Film Institute and the Arctic Indigenous Film Fund in Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino, Norway, and a member of the Sámiráđđi/Saami Council.

Polar bear and the politics of climate change in the Canadian Arctic:  A conversation with Tristan Pearce, Associate Professor of Northern Studies and Research Chair in Cumulative Impacts of Environmental Change at the University of Northern British Columbia.

The end of 'Arctic exceptionalism'? Geopolitical competition and the contemporary Circumpolar Arctic:  A conversation with P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Research Chair in the Study of Northern Canada at Trent University, and Lead of the North American Arctic Defense and Security Network.

We look forward to our next student symposium planned to take place next academic year, and we invite UArctic students to join us then!

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